BBS History

Hopefully what becomes an extensive history of the BBS(s) run by me and others out my house as a kid from 1992 though 1996.


Above are two converted ANSI files and one RIP file. Two are advertisements for variants on the BBS run from home during the 90s, the other was the welcome screen for Goldfish BBS.

  Bulletin Board Systems. Let’s start with a link, allow Wikipedia to get the general definition out there. No story of my involvement with BBSs begins though without a little background. Now if I get all my plans online some of this story will be redundant, but here goes anyway. In the early 90s home PCs (Personal Computers) became more common place. Thanks in part to this my mother in and around 1991 purchased a IMB clone 386sx machine for “work”. Well to be honest she definitely used it for her business, but as computers have so many uses it wasn’t long until both kids and father were fighting for time on the machine to play things like Sid Meire’s Civilization.

  This would eventually lead my mother to allow me to have my own 386, dx a slightly better one even. Having my own PC would then be the major catalyst for the eventually opening of a BBS at the house, but there is one important first step that comes before that and it is Sarlacc Software. (never incorporated cause we were kids):